Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Neolithic Chinese Pottery

Some art is a lot older than European antiques; those would be called antiquities. Take the neolithic period for example, way before 3300 B.C. (well over 5000 years ago from today!). The pictured Chinese vessel was made before the potter's wheel was invented, which means it is 100% hand formed. Note the geometric painted design on the clay medium, dated between 3500 and 5500 B.C. In much later years, Chinese pottery/art is often categorized by dynasties (Han, Qing, Ming, etc.); however, this pot dates long before before the first Chinese dynasties, so it's on its own as far as history goes.

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The Guest Room's Window: Art Travels

Keep checking the Guest Room Window for art adventures outside the house.

LONG ISLAND: Nassau County Museum of Art's OpArt exhibit features 1960's paintings with optical designs that create fluctuating spatial depth (with potential for retinal after-images, without a hangover). If the OpArt's abundance of geometric form and color is too much, the adjacent Tee Ridder Miniatures museum brings your retina down to scale. "Tee" was a fine arts miniaturist who created over 100 miniature rooms with period precision, many on display here. Nassaumuseum.com gives more info.

WYOMING: Dad's art interest began with American firearms art. If you start your art journey there, one of the most comprehensive American firearms collection is at Buffalo Bill Historic Center in Wyoming; you can check out their searchable digital firearms collection at http://www.bbhc.org/collections/BBHC/index_CFM.cfm.